Sunday, August 30, 2020

Medicinal Cannabis - Sick of Your Prescription Medication? Medicinal Cannabis May Be Safer


Prescription medications can be dangerous. Even over-the-counter medications can sometimes cause negative reactions. These medications include chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, negatively react with other substances, and cause a wide range of other problems.

Every time a consumer turns on their television, they are bombarded with commercials for prescription drugs. However, half of these commercials are spent warning users of side effects, ranging from mild to sometimes fatal. It makes many people question what they are putting into their bodies. Marijuana Edibles

The Advantages of Medicinal Cannabis Over Traditional Medications:

One of the main reasons for medical marijuana is that it's safe. It is almost impossible to overdose and very few people report negative side effects. The people that do report side effects complain of things like warped time perception or short term memory loss. The side effects of marijuana are extremely mild when comparing them with the effects caused by other medications. The Releaf Center

Medical marijuana has been found to be even safer than aspirin. Aspirin, which was first introduced in 1899, has caused around 500 deaths every year. Aspirin can also cause stomach bleeding, stomach problems, liver damage, nausea, vomiting, and many other side effects. Marijuana Near Me

Cannabis, on the other hand, has been used for thousands of years without one reported overdose. Cannabis can cause fatigue, hunger, paranoia, forgetfulness, and euphoria. Fortunately, except in the case of euphoria, these effects will wear off in approximately two to four hours. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

The fact is, medical marijuana is safer than almost any prescription drug. For thousands of years it has been used by people all over the world for medical reasons. Until 1937, It was the leading medication for around 100 conditions in the United States. These are the marijuana facts that are rarely stated, but are true nonetheless. Best Marijuana Dispensary

The Disadvantages of Medical Marijuana, When Compared to Prescription Drugs:

Of course, there are also disadvantages to medical marijuana. The main disadvantage is that it is not a cure-all. However, neither is any synthetic drug. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Medicinal marijuana can usually not be used to cure medical conditions. Instead, it is used to manage the negative effects of these conditions. Obtaining a medical marijuana card will not save patients from requiring any other medication during their lifetime. Fortunately, patients that have difficulty with other medications or want to limit the amount of synthetic chemicals they put into their body, can use medical cannabis to successfully treat a wide range of symptoms.

Medical Marijuana and the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple Sclerosis is an inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system. The body essentially "tags" its own tissue and begins to destroy it. There are many who advocate the use of medical marijuana as opposed to traditional treatments in order to treat this debilitating disease.

Multiple Sclerosis causes the onset of sudden blindness, weakness in the legs and muscles, extreme fatigue, shock sensations in the face and hands, burning sensations in various parts of the body, muscle pain, poor word recall, bladder failure, sudden muscle jerking, sudden muscle collapse and organ dysfunction. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Immediately after smoking or ingesting marijuana, users describe feeling relaxed and mellow. Marijuana contains four hundred chemicals, the same found in cigarettes, sixty of which are cannabinoids. A cannabinoid is the major active ingredient, and THC is the chemical most often associated with marijuana's affect on the human brain. THC stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol, and is the plant's main psychoactive chemical. The concentration of THC and other cannabinoids varies and depends on genetics and processing after the marijuana is harvested. Cannabis Store

As a multiple sclerosis patient, it begs the question; Why would you want to use a substance that affects muscle coordination, short term memory, raises levels of anxiety and increases heart rate when the disease already does that? Marijuana

THC mimics, blocks, and interferes with normal brain function. There are three cannabinoid receptors in the brain; the basal ganglia, the hippocampus and the cerebellum. The basal ganglia is responsible for unconscious muscle movement, the cerebellum controls coordination, and the hippocampus is responsible for recollection of events and short term memory. Marijuana Dispensary

When marijuana is ingested or eaten, the stomach breaks it down, and the blood absorbs it carrying it to the liver, and the rest of the body. Although THC levels are lower, the effects last longer. Marijuana Dispensary News

Marijuana has been around for thousands of years and is believed to be a native plant of India where it originated in a region in the North Himalayan Mountains. The resin of the cannabis flower produces a much more potent product called Hashish and may be helpful in the treatment of pain caused by the onset of cancer and other debilitating diseases since Morphine is in fact the first line of defense in making the patient comfortable and the pain bearable. The bottom line is that, although medical marijuana has been proven effective in other medical arenas, it should not be considered an effective treatment or a reasonable drug to be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

The Hemp Network - Can the Hemp Network Provide Infrastructure to the Medical Marijuana Industry?


The Hemp Network is a new company that is the MLM division of Medical Marijuana Inc, a company that focuses on delivering an efficient and secure infrastructure for the Medical Marijuana Industry.

This Hemp Network review will be my perspective on whether The Hemp Network is a scam or a legitimate opportunity to earn a solid income in the home based health product industry. To begin, I have been part of the health and wellness industry for the good part of 20 years and I have pretty much seen every product and heard every claim there is to make about a health product. That being said, this company is part of the medical marijuana health industry which still has as many questions as there are answers about whether there are legal issues still involved in the distribution of medical marijuana products. The Releaf Center

The Hemp Network has the potential to become extremely successful and lucrative. They are aiming to provide customers with hemp products on a multi-level marketing platform using a binary compensation plan and aims to provide a marketing vehicle for national and global distribution of these new products. Best Marijuana Dispensary The Company is currently in the pre-enrollment phase which is by invitation only, the official launch date is August 28, 2010. Don't worry, what that is telling me is that by making it by invitation only they feel that this opportunity is going to be extremely successful, so get in early. Marijuana Near Me

It is my opinion that this venture is going to work out very well for The Hemp Network and become a legitimate opportunity YOU to earn a solid income by getting involved. Set up your Microsoft Outlook calendar so that you are reminded of the August 28th launch date. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hemp Network Review - Is it Legitimate?


Hemp Network is a new network marketing company. The thing that really sets this company apart from all other network marketing companies, is that their product is marijuana. The Hemp Network is a division of Medical Marijuana Inc. and is set to launch on June 1, 2010.

The cost to pre-enroll is $100 for which you will receive your first order of marijuana. At this time you must have a sponsor in order to pre-enroll. Cannabis Store

The Hemp Network will use a binary compensation plan. In a binary pay plan distributors build two legs or teams. The binary pay plan, like all pay plans, has pros and cons. One positive aspect is distributors above you will place new distributors below you in your team. This helps build your business volume, which is a great motivator. On the negative side, bonuses are paid out on the distributors week leg. Balancing two legs can at times be challenging. Marijuana

It is a sad fact that 65% of new start up companies fail and that 95% of start up network marketing companies fail. This fact should hold considerable weight in your decision to join The Hemp Network. Many would say simply do not partner up with a new company. However, the uniqueness of a product, such as marijuana, would be reason for serious consideration. Marijuana Dispensary

I would say that in states where medical Marijuana is legal, which is not many by the way, this would be a legitimate opportunity. There is of course a great deal of investigating to be done on your part in regard to the legality of marketing this product. Do not by any means jump into this company without doing you investigative homework. You will find a complete listing of states and their legal standing on medical marijuana at the web site of Medical Marijuana Inc. Marijuana Dispensary News

Controversial as it may be, the use of marijuana for medical reasons has many proponents. Getting involved to make this product available to those who have a medical need may make sense. On the other hand, getting involved for the business opportunity, may not. Marijuana Edibles

The reason for this, is that 98% of all network marketers fail to ever make any money. They are either unable or unwilling to solicit family and friends. However, if you are able to effectively use the Internet to have customers and prospects that are looking for your product and opportunity find you, then the opportunity side of this business would make sense as well.

Miraculous Medical Effects of Marijuana


Marijuana, clinically termed as cannabis is a drug preparation from the flowering five-leaf plant, cannabis. It has long been associated as an illegal drug and is classified as a schedule I drug which means that physicians cannot prescribe it. The ground for its classification is rooted from medical marijuana collective effects in the body as a psychoactive agent with a stimulant, hallucinogenic, and depressant effect or a combination of the three. Because of that, the drug causes a euphoria which is a high feeling of ecstasy. This may be the lone reason why people resort to its usage. Medical marijuana has a very high tendency for physiologic and psychological dependence and abuse. The Releaf Center

Despite its disadvantage, countless research is proving that the drug's benefits can outweigh its bad effects. Medical marijuana collective use most aids patients with chronic conditions according to studies. These conditions include the following: Marijuana Near Me

• A research showed that an active ingredient of marijuana slows down the formation of plaques and prevents the advancement of the disease. It has also been shown that it can prevent formation of proteins that is responsible for memory impairment associated with the disease. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

• It is surprising to note that smoking cannabis alone (without tobacco smoking) does not increase the risk for lung cancer instead it can create a shielding effect and this result is well established. There are however evidences that claims a synergistic effect of cannabis and tobacco smoking in the increased risk of lung cancer. Best Marijuana Dispensary

• A study in California was done and showed that cannabinol, a chemical found in marijuana can prevent the spread of breast cancer in the body.

• Patients with HIV/AIDS greatly benefits from medical marijuana. A study conducted that smoking marijuana among these patients significantly reduced the occurrence and severity of neuropathic pain and have increasing appetite effects. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Medical marijuana has a whole lot to offer only that research to prove its greatest advantage is only that financing is not enough. It may be the wonder drug that we all have been waiting for.

How To Find Medical Marijuana In Tucson


It was welcome news to many residents in Arizona when proposition 203 was passed in Nov. of 2011. Arizona joined California, Colorado and several other states when it passed a law giving qualified patients the right to consume, cultivate and utilize medicinal marijuana. In order to become qualified, you need to get a marijuana program certification from a Doctor.

You can find several certification centers open for business in Tucson. Just be on-guard of the costs. I paid $100 Dr.'s fee and $150 to the State of Arizona for program registration but have heard of places that are gouging new patients with high service prices. Don't bite. It should not cost more than what I've already written about. The Releaf Center

You will have to submit a photo for your card (my Dr. took my picture and emailed it to me with her !), then proceed with the registration process.

My acceptance email notification from Arizona's Department of Health Medical Marijuana Program came within a couple of hours. Once you have confirmation, you're good to go. Just keep your paperwork handy until your card arrives in the mail. Marijuana Near Me


Now that you have a card, you definitely want to use another source of meds other than your old black market street-dealer. As a card holder in Tucson you have a couple of options, but staying legal and avoiding legal problems is in and of itself a good way to go. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Nowadays (May 2012), you can tap into the growing patient-to-patient networks that exist in Tucson. The best and most reliable networks for sharing medicinal marijuana, edibles, cookies and candies are Med-Link Mobile and A.B.C. Arizona's Best Caregivers. You can find links at the bottom of this article. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Craigslist is also another source for making patient-to-patient connections so that you can potentially open the door for better selection and variety from the various patient-to-patient medical marijuana networks in Tucson. Cannabis Store

Another option is to cultivate the medical marijuana in Tucson yourself. You can grow up to 12 plants somewhere in your house if it's locked and it's away from kids. If you don't have the room, time or interest to cultivate and grow your own medical marijuana, then you can exercise your option to have an Arizona Medical Marijuana Program Registered Caregiver grow it for you. This is usually somebody you know who is also a patient. This opens the door for some nice patient-to-patient strain growing sharing and variety in meds. Marijuana


Other than utilizing a patient-to-patient network like Med-Link Mobile to find medical marijuana in Tucson or growing cannabis yourself, your options are limited. The good news is that you can obtain medical marijuana safely and without worry of getting into legal trouble. You can call Med-Link Mobile/A.B.C. Arizona's Best Caregivers in Tucson and join a conscientious and caring group of growers, caregivers and patients.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Federal Government As Jabba the Hutt - Too Big and Too Slow to Get Anything Right


It occurred to be recently while watching television that the U.S. Federal government is really nothing more than the political incarnation of Jabba The Hutt from the Star Wars movies. As you may recall, Jabba was a formless, slow moving, overweight entity that ruled with an iron fist while devouring resources brought to him. He did not pay for anything, he just took them, and he was not there to help anyone but himself. Those he ruled over had no say in how their resources and wealth were used and had no chance in dislodging Jabba from his position of power. Kind of sounds like our political class currently sitting in DC. The Releaf Center

Jabba came to mind today as I thought about some recent occurrences in which the Federal government has gotten so big that it is doubling back on itself and putting itself in some very weird situations and conflicts with the reality of the world around us: Marijuana Near Me

- According to an article in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine, a Boston Federal judge has ruled parts of the Federal Defense of Marriage Act to be unconstitutional. This act forbids the Federal government from recognizing gay marriages and granting Federal benefits. The judge ruled that the Federal law forces Massachusetts to discriminate against it own citizens. Now for the weird part. the Obama administration is now forced to appeal the ruling, even though his administration and the Democrats in charge of Congress oppose the Defense of Marriage Act and want it repealed. The Federal government has gotten so big that it is expending legal resources for something that it does not want to exist in the first place. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

- This weird situation is similar to the current illegal alien situation. A recent Associated press article reported that the latest statistics relative to illegal border crossers shows that the Federal government recently had the highest levels of prosecutions for illegal aliens and the highest deportation levels of illegals since they started keeping track of such statistics but at the same time this same Federal government was in court fighting the new Arizona state law that was trying to stem the flow of illegal aliens into that state. Best Marijuana Dispensary

- Getting back to gay marriages, according to a July 15, 2010 Associated Press article, the country of Argentina recently became the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage. The article reported that Chile and several other South American countries are likely to try and follow suit. Do we think that our Jabba, parading as the American political class, has any chance of making that happen in this country when it finds itself in court defending against gay rights? Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

- According to an article in the August issue of Reason magazine, since 1996 fourteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana use for medical purposes and several other states are considering doing the same. This is in direct conflict with Federal law which has sometimes resulted in Federal raids of medical marijuana providers which are illegal under Federal law but legal under state law. This is also in conflict with Obama the campaigner who wanted to decriminalize the drug when he ran for President but now defends the outlawing of it at the Federal level. Again, government has gotten so big that we have entered the weird zone regarding medical marijuana where it is legal at the same time as being illegal. Cannabis Store

- Speaking of drug conflicts, a recent Associated Press article reported that the Federal Veterans Affairs organization would allow its patients to use medical marijuana if those patients resided in the fourteen states where medical marijuana is legal. Thus, one arm of the Federal government (Veterans Affairs) is perfectly fine with medical marijuana use while other arms of the Federal government (FBI, DEA, Federal statue) wants to wipe it out.

- If you think the Federal government has a drug problem now, wait until the Oakland City Council votes on whether to allow industrial farming of marijuana to be established in city limits, industrial farms which would produce marijuana for medical use as well as for use in products ranging from baked goods to body oil. Winning applicants who would operate these farms would have to pay annual permit fees and eight percent of their sales to taxes as well as carry $2 million in liability insurance. Similar efforts are being pushed in other cities throughout the state along with a November ballot issue to legalize non-medical use of marijuana, according to the article. Now consider the contents of a short blurb in the July 23, 2010 issue of The Week magazine that reported on a Rand Study that concluded from their analysis that the legalization of marijuana would reduce the street price by up to 90%. Thus, the efforts in California may help reduce the street price of the drug which in turn would significantly reduce the power, wealth and influence of the Mexican drug cartels which would be a good thing. However, in the face of this good set of outcomes (more revenue for the local governments, less of a stigma of marijuana users, less law enforcement resources spent on busting marijuana users, the weakening of the Mexican drug cartels) do we think that the Jabba the Hutt beast in DC is nimble enough to understand what the benefits are or will it continue down its path of conflict at the Federal drug enforcement level?

- Consider a Washington Post article from May, 2007, entitled "Federal Loans Fuel Push For Coal Power Plants." The article discusses a leftover Depression era Federal program that provides low cost loans to build coal fired, high pollution power plants using taxpayer money. According to the article, "the [loan] support is a major force behind the rush to coal plants, which spew carbon dioxide that scientists blame for global warming." Thus, while the Obama administration is pushing a climate control bill in order to fight against global warming, the same government is funding power plants that do just the opposite. Makes no sense.

- A recent Associate Press article reported how the Feds had busted 94 people for defrauding the Medicare program. This was a good development but why was our Jabba so slow in getting these arrests done? Medicare fraud has been going on since the day Medicare started several decades ago, why did it take such a painfully slow time to start arresting the cheats? One of those arrested had filed over 3,700 fraudulent claims under her name before she was arrested, how slow can you get?

We could go on and on. The U.S. government has gotten so big and so slow, just like Jabba the Hutt, that its many folds of skin hide waste, stupidity and the doubling back on itself, i.e. government laws and actions in conflict with itself or the desires of those running the government. We could go on and on about how slow, ineffective, and wasteful our Jabba is, about how our Jabba never solves a problem whether it is insecure borders, failing public schools, escalating health care costs, etc., how our Jabba wastes untold billions of dollars on earmarks, useless initiatives, and fraud-infested programs, or how our Jabba does not know how to regulate the economy, resulting in sky high national debt levels and a very creaky economic situation with low growth and high unemployment.

Jabba is very bad for all of us but he is difficult to dislodge. Through the earmark process, the gerrymandering of Congressional districts, do-nothing campaign finance laws, and other methods, Jabba has many defenses against defeat in an election, defenses that even a Jedi light saber could not easily pierce. Long term, it is critical we begin to impose term limits on politicians so that they never again get as fat, slow, wasteful, and ineffective as Jabba The Hutt. Short term, this November is critical since it begins the process of voting out the Jabba incumbents and finally getting in some sleek, effective, and courageous Jedi warriors who will make the difficult decisions to get the size of government under control and make that downsized government more effective and less weird and less conflicted.

What Are Marijuana Medical Cards and What Do They Do?


With all of this news streaming around mainstream media about medical marijuana and marijuana medical cards, it can be tough to actually disseminate just what they are about, what they do, and how they may actually apply to you. Some people think that a marijuana medical card is just an easy ticket for people who are looking to use the drug recreational, when they are, in fact, a very strictly regulated part of a legitimate medical industry. Let's explore just what they are, what basic rights and legal protections that they afford to card holders and how you can get one if you qualify. Marijuana

Defining Marijuana Medical Cards

Think of these cards as state issued IDs that are very closely monitored and regulated by the Health Department in all 15 states and in DC where medical marijuana cards have been legally approved by voters. States have a need to closely track the patients, doctors and dispensaries that are a part of these "medical marijuana programs." In order to effectively do so, they have created an ID card system, where patients who have been approved by doctors for the programs are issued state IDs that allow them to legally use the medicine and access dispensaries where they can purchase it. This helps to regulate the industry. Marijuana Dispensary

What Legal Protections Do Marijuana Medical Cards Offer Holders?

Provided that the card holder is holding a valid card and abiding by the medical marijuana laws in their state - which vary from state to state slightly - they are afforded protection from legal prosecution for possessing medical marijuana. Most states have even created an electronic system for law enforcement to verify that a card is valid, so that they don't arrest a lawfully biding patient who is within their legal rights to use this natural medicine. Patients who are marijuana medical card holders can possess, transport and use - and in many cases also grow - medical cannabis for personal usage; or their caregivers who possess a card are afforded similar legal rights and protections, too. Marijuana Dispensary News

Getting a Marijuana Medical Card & Why It's Important

How can I get a medical marijuana card-If you are suffering from an illness that has associated chronic symptoms, medical cannabis may offer the relief that you seek. The only way to know for sure if it is an option is by seeing a qualified doctor and being evaluated today. Only a doctor who is licensed in your state can recommend you for marijuana medical cards. The only way to legally use this medicine is by holding a valid card in your state. Marijuana Edibles

Are Most Patients Who Get A Medical Card Faking?


Prior to marijuana experiencing prohibition in 1937, it was a significant part of the US pharmaceutical market. It was commonly prescribed in the early 1900's, because at that time it wasn't on a controlled substance list.

After the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, marijuana was not technically illegal but heavily taxed. Within 4 years, the US pharmaceutical market grew tired or paying the hefty taxes, so cannabis was removed from the market altogether. In the 1970's, it officially became a Schedule 1 narcotic, and illegal to prescribe. The Releaf Center

Sixteen states have legalized marijuana medicinally, and for various conditions. California, for instance, has the most lax rules with what medicinal marijuana can be recommended and ID cards received. Forty six percent of CA voters actually said yes recently to outright legalization. Medical marijuana has been legal in CA since 1996. Marijuana Near Me

In a recent survey of close to 2000 patients at multiple CA marijuana evaluation clinics, there was an interesting array of conditions patients maintained. Thirty one percent had chronic pain in the back, spine, or neck, with sixteen percent having a sleep disorder. Anxiety and depression amounted to thirteen percent. Eighty percent of these patients reported trying traditional medications (typically opioids) prior to marijuana. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

The fact they were trying regular prescription medications could argue against faking, but even people faking can often bilk the system to get narcotic prescriptions. The patients were asked if they had used marijuana recreationally prior to receiving patient cards, with 40% saying yes. Interestingly, studies have shown that approximately 30% of narcotic patients divert their prescriptions (selling or trading them), with the percentage spanning all socioeconomic classes. Best Marijuana Dispensary

Most states now require evaluation of a patient's medical records and an in-person physical exam for the debilitating qualifying condition. For instance, if a patient has Crohn's disease in a state that has legalized cannabis for Crohn's, there should be some medical records for it. If not, a workup should commence for it to make sure the disease is present prior to approving for medical marijuana. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

So it is not exactly clear how many medical marijuana patients are faking. Based on the CA survey, we do not have a clear number. Considering the sheer number of patients in the US who doctor shop for narcotics and become illegitimate patients, if it's any way equivalent the number may be over 20%. This is speculation. Cannabis Store

One thing is certain though. Despite the illegitimate patients receiving ID cards, it is also apparent that medical marijuana represents a valid treatment than some of the more conventional existing treatments for numerous conditions. There are less side effects and often an ability to decrease the more harsh side effects of traditional medications by decreasing dosages.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Colorado Pre-Employment Drug Testing - Pot Users Prohibited


Many companies in Colorado have drug free policies in place at their businesses. It only makes sense that they should also require pre-employment drug testing as well if they want to keep drug users away from their companies. Colorado is the marijuana capital of the United States, with more dispensaries for medical marijuana than any other state. According to a survey printed in The Denver Post, Colorado has "twice the number of medical marijuana patients per capita as California." There are 20 medical use patients for every 1,000 residents of the state. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Although this doesn't prove that anyone but those with documentation from their doctors stating that their medical conditions could benefit from the use of marijuana are getting pot from dispensaries, chances are pretty good that others besides medical-reason users are getting some of the goods. Even if they are not, millions of illegal marijuana plants have been removed from public lands in the state. Colorado's elimination of plants on public lands "has more than tripled in the past five years," according to the survey in The Denver Post. Between illegally grown pot and the possibility of getting it from medical users, caregivers, or others from dispensaries, it is an easy thing to get marijuana in Colorado. Best Marijuana Dispensary

Employers who do pre-employment drug screening are required to have their drug-free policy printed on their application or to inform job applicants of the policy at their first interview. This is good for both employers and pot smokers. Employers win by making their drug policy clear to the applicant and by letting the candidate know that drugs are not tolerated in the company. Job applicants win as well because they have the choice to withdraw their applications and search for a company to work for that is more lenient or even accepting of marijuana use. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Most employers who want to be sure that their employees are drug free probably do not think that a marijuana smoker is going to come into their business and cause a major disruption or shoot other employees. It is still within their rights to ban pot and all other drugs from use by their employees. After all, employment is by will and either party has the right to terminate it at any time. The employer has the right to keep the business free from drug users, even pot smokers, if that is his or her prerogative. Except for medical users, marijuana is still an illegal drug in Colorado. Cannabis Store

Is Medical Marijuana Really Medicine Or Just a New Taxable Commodity?


Even if you live in one of the states that hasn't yet looked into, or already legalized, the use of medical marijuana, there's no doubt, you've probably been hearing some of the talk about it on your nightly news. Currently, fourteen U.S. states have legalized some form of medical marijuana. Thirteen more have legislation pending which could soon make it legal within their boarders. So what's behind this shift in government policy and public opinion? Why are new signs of acceptance to the legalization of medical marijuana sprouting up almost daily? Can marijuana really be considered medicine and does this budding industry represent new and legitimate money making business opportunities for those looking outside the box for new sources of wealth? Or, is it simply another commodity our state governments can start taxing? Cannabis Store

If you take a quick look around, there are many signs that marijuana is slowly creeping into many of the radar screens of the financially strapped States throughout the country who seek new sources of revenue. With so many of our States struggling to balance their books, it appears as if many are looking to the legalization of medical marijuana as a means to generate new tax dollars to help alleviate budget wows. Marijuana

Just recently, The American Medical Association softened its stance on the drug, recommending that some federal controls on it be relaxed. In addition, the Obama administration has also recently reversed a long standing, Bush era policy and has said it would stop federally prosecuting medical marijuana users and suppliers who comply with their state laws. Is the value of this weed quickly growing? Marijuana Dispensary

Now, it seems as if many entrepreneurs are looking at this new industry as a business whose now ready for its' own "", and the numbers seem to back this up. Legal or not, marijuana is a huge cash crop. In California alone, marijuana generates annual sales estimated at $14 billion. Now, thanks to the state's increasingly liberal medical marijuana laws, more of that money, than ever before, is being spent legally. This is creating a demand for many new administrative, legal support and book-keeping businesses, to name a few, which are rapidly stepping up to cash in on this new and growing industry. There is already demand for more education and training in many states that have recently passed medical marijuana laws and entrepreneurs are coming forward with answers. Marijuana Dispensary News

Despite what your personal thoughts are regarding the legalization of medical marijuana, it is becoming clear that many who were once against it have now changed their views. You may be surprised to find out just who all is supporting this legislation. One of the nations top consumer advocates, along with many other prominent politicians, professors and business moguls, have all recently made statements, not only condoning the legalization of medical marijuana, but advocating it. With them, however, there are just as many and more, who still strongly oppose the use of this drug for anything. Legal or not. The Releaf Center

At this point, it appears the issue is not if, but when, the use of marijuana as medicine, will become widely accepted across the United States. Just like the Lottery, sweeping across the Nation over the past couple decades, the real question may not be how many States want to legalize medical marijuana, it may be, how many can afford not to? With so many of our States now suffering financially, perhaps what we should really be focussed on is whether or not marijuana is really an effective medicine or if it is just becoming another taxable commodity? Marijuana Near Me

Alternative Drug Therapy Approach Alleviates Cerebral Palsy Symptoms and Muscle Spasticity


Statistics based on medical research indicate that nearly 90% of cerebral palsy is related to brain injury that occurs because of nonprogressive disturbances (such as oxygen deprivation) during pregnancy. This results in the damage of brain cells that are responsible for muscle movement and control as well as other brain cell types. This condition varies in its severity depending on the treatment and therapy recommended by doctors and medical practitioners. Cerebral palsy is a motor disorder that affects the development of movement and posture permanently, that limits physical activity and it is often accompanied by epilepsy, disturbances of cognition, communication, behaviour, perception and secondary musculoskeletal problems. Treatment using medical marijuana seems to alleviate the symptoms of different types of cerebral palsy. The Releaf Center

Exposure to some viruses belonging to herpes group B and infections of the urinary and reproductive tract are known to double the risk of developing Cerebral Palsy in a preterm delivery. Less common cases of the problem occur due to lead poisoning, head injuries, and viral infections that occur very early in life. Though the condition is chronic, it is not a progressive condition and one of the most common types where there is excess muscle tone is the spastic type. Marijuana Near Me

Medical Marijuana based drug therapy when administered at early stages and on an ongoing basis seems promising in reducing a majority of the disabilities associated with cerebral palsy. Treatment using cannabis seems to alleviate the symptoms of different types of palsy such as athetoid cerebral palsy that leads to involuntary and uncontrolled movements in the affected muscles and ataxic cerebral palsy where children are extremely unsteady and shaky because the brain cells responsible for the sense of balance and depth perception are affected. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Those afflicted with cerebral palsy also benefit immensely from regular and early physical, speech, behavioral, and occupational therapy that can help them lead productive, independent, happy, and healthy lives. A combination of MMJ and these therapies can also help patients who develop resistance or addiction to other prescribed medications that also lead to heavy sedation. Best Marijuana Dispensary

The cannabinoid component in marijuana help patients reduce the spasticity in their muscles because the cannabinoids bind with the cannabinoid receptors in the body. This triggers the release of chemicals that act as muscle relaxants. This is the proposed mechanism that offers relief of spastic muscle control. Numerous medical cases where patients born with severe cognitive delays, epilepsy, total blindness and cerebral palsy have experienced and have reported various levels of relief with medical marijuana. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Monday, August 24, 2020

An Alternative Treatment for Tourette's Syndrome


Statistics indicate that there are over 100,000 Americans who are afflicted with TS (Tourette's syndrome). This complex neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by involuntary vocal tics is of unknown etiology. While the severity of this problem varies widely among patients, research shows that the condition usually improves with age. Currently, there is no cure for Tourette's syndrome. However, research shows that medical cannabis can help people cope with the symptoms. Marijuana Effects

Investigators in the Department of Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Medical School of Hanover in Germany published their findings in the March 1999 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry. According to their results, in an uncontrolled open clinical trial, a 25 year old male patient afflicted with Tourette's syndrome was successfully treated with one single 10 mg dose of MMJ. The severity of the vocal tic reduced from as high as forty one to a mere seven within just two hours after cannabinoid therapy. Marijuana Medical

A review of the experiment conducted shows that there is ample evidence to prove that cannabinoids are effective in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome. In the test conducted, the condition of the patient dramatically improved and this effect lasted for about seven hours in a single session. This kind of scientific literature regarding several clinical trials now confirms the subjective experiences of patients who smoked marijuana using a reliable and valid rating scale for the first time. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled experiment, a single trial dose of medical marijuana was administered to a dozen adult patients afflicted with Tourette's syndrome. Medical Marijuana

The preliminary results presented by the researches again confirmed that there was an incredible improvement in the OCB (obsessive compulsive behavior) and involuntary vocal tics after delta 9 THC treatment when compared to the placebo. Furthermore, investigators concluded that not only was medical marijuana safe and effective in treating these symptoms of TS but also the test subjects did not report any cognitive impairment after it was administered to them. Quality Marijuana

The same results were again observed in a second randomized, placebo-controlled, randomized trial that involved twenty four patients this time. These patients were administered doses of ten mg of Medical cannabis on a daily basis over a period of six weeks. All the test subjects suffered no damaging effects on their verbal memory, recall, or learning. In fact, they experienced a drastic reduction in the tics that are characteristic of Tourette's syndrome. In October 2003, the summary of these findings were published in the journal, The Expert Opinions in Pharmacotherapy. Recreational Cannabis Store

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana


There is no doubt that the opinions of those against and for the legalization of marijuana have grown since the Controlled Substances Act was changed in 1972. In 1972, the Controlled Substances Act stated that marijuana has no accepted medical use. However, thousands of people in the United States of America think otherwise. This is why around fifteen states have already legalized the medicinal use of marijuana. There are many different reasons why medicinal marijuana should be legalized. The main reason is the fact that it has been proven that medicinal marijuana can help those who are sick with certain ailments. Cannabis Store

Medical Marijuana Can Help Sick Men and Women

There is no doubt that the medical use of marijuana can help men and women who are sick with specific diseases. For example, medical marijuana can help those who are sick with HIV, AIDS, Cancer, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, and epilepsy. Medical marijuana is often known to help sick men and women who have to deal with pain and nausea. Medical marijuana is also commonly used as a last resort when everything else fails to work. There are many different sick men and women who cannot keep down the nutrients that are needed to fight their specific ailments. These men and women often cannot keep down those nutrients without the use of medical marijuana. Marijuana

Advantages of Medical Marijuana

There are many different advantages to using medical marijuana. For example, marijuana has the ability to ease the suffering of men and women who are sick. In addition, marijuana has other useful purposes. For example, the THC that is commonly found in marijuana has been found to kill brain tumor cells. Other research shows that the THC found in marijuana can also kill breast tumors, pancreas tumors, and liver tumors. This means that marijuana can prove to be extremely useful for men and women who have cancer. Other men and women also say that the legalization of marijuana could help the economy. If the United States of America legalizes the drug, regulates the drug, and taxes marijuana, there is no doubt that it could potentially lessen the overall federal debt. Marijuana Dispensary

The receptors in a person's brain can allow the acceptance of cannabinoids like THC. These receptors are also a large part of the body's receptor system. Having said this it is known that the THC in marijuana can reduce pain and other stressful symptoms of specific diseases. For example, it can reduce symptoms that are commonly associated with chemotherapy regimens. Marijuana Dispensary News

Health Risk Myths

Although there are some health risks to smoking marijuana, there is no doubt that many of the stated health risks are simple myths. For example, no one has ever overdosed on marijuana. In addition, while others believe that marijuana is addicting, research shows that marijuana is not physically addictive. Marijuana Edibles

Medical Marijuana: It Really Is A Healing Herb


Medical Marijuana has been used for healing for thousands of years. In ancient China, India, the Middle East and even America the herb had been identified as having medicinal properties. Even in more modern times Queen Victoria and her personal physician did some groundbreaking work into the medical application of marijuana. The herb had also been in common use in the United States prior to the passing of the Stamp Act in the 1920s and other marijuana laws. Today patients suffering with asthma, A.I.D.S, cancer and many other illnesses extol the virtues of marijuana use. The Releaf Center

The History

Marijuana, or Cannabis Sativa as it is known scientifically, is an herb that grows wild in temperate climates. Long before teenagers and counter culture activists were experimenting with cannabis many Asian countries had long since included medicinal marijuana on their list of healing herbs. The earliest documented use of this medicinal weed is among the Chinese. The therapeutic use of medicinal marijuana was documented by Emperor Shen-Nuan in the 28th century B.C. He wrote of its value for treating malaria, constipation, rheumatism, gout and other maladies. Marijuana Near Me

How Is It Used?

Medical weed can be used in a variety of ways. Some medicinal marijuana physicians prepare it as a liquid for drinking. Other health professionals feel pot is more effective when it is eaten. Smoking is another means of getting the healing properties of medical pot into the body of the person who needs healing. Some marijuana doctors crush the weed and use it as an ointment or in a poultice. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Related California Laws

Today California is ground Zero in the battle for marijuana legalization. Since the passage of Prop 215 California residents have set up a series of medicinal marijuana shops. There are also a number of marijuana vending machines in several locations throughout the state. With a California medicinal marijuana card or a cannabis club card California residents can legally obtain medical marijuana from any of the medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. To obtain a card Californians must receive a marijuana evaluation by one of the medical marijuana doctors in the state. Best Marijuana Dispensary

Opening a medical marijuana dispensary is not very difficult in California. This has led to a string medical marijuana evaluation centers where California medical marijuana licenses can be issued. While decriminalization of medical marijuana has been an important step many marijuana activists have vowed to stop at nothing short of making weed legal in California. Large segments of the population are pro medical marijuana. This has made members of the marijuana legalization movement confident they will eventually be successful. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Study Shows Traffic Fatalities Drop in States With Legal Medical Cards


A new study was published recently showing that states with legalized medical marijuana actually have fewer fatal auto accidents. It appears that this may be because marijuana users often substitute the drug in lieu of drinking alcohol.

At this point in time 16 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana for various debilitating conditions. In the study the years 1992-2009 government data were used looking at traffic deaths in the 13 states that have passed medical marijuana and put in place legalization laws during those years. The data was obtained from the national household survey on drug use along with the national Highway traffic safety administration. Marijuana Vaporizer

Interestingly, when looking at traffic deaths over that time, in the states who have medical marijuana legalized versus those that didn't, the study found that fatalities in car wrecks dropped by 9% in those states with legal marijuana for medicinal use. In looking further at the data the decrease was attributed largely to a reduction in drunk driving. In those states that have legalized medical marijuana rate of fatalities from car crashes due to our call dropped by 12% in crashes with high levels of alcohol drinking dropped by 14%. Medical Marijuana

The authors of the study noted that the overall reduction in traffic fatalities was similar to that seen when the minimum drinking age in the US was raised to 21. Traffic fatalities are the leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 5 and 34. So this data is especially intriguing in light of that as a significant amount of medical marijuana users are in the upper echelon of that age range. Quality Marijuana

In line with other studies the researchers also found that there was no increase in marijuana consumption by teenagers in states that legalized marijuana for medical use. One of the important things to come out of study is it shows that driving under the influence of marijuana is much safer than driving inebriated on alcohol. It is unclear if driving while stoned leads to impairment, however, driving under the influence of alcohol has definitely been shown to significantly deteriorate driving skills. Recreational Cannabis Store

Being under the influence of alcohol at times increases recklessness and creates a false sense of confidence. When people are stoned they often realize it and don't have these issues. More marijuana smokers are likely to do so at home or in a private setting rather than out at a public event. Recreational Marijuana

How Well Does Medical Marijuana Work For Glaucoma?


Glaucoma affects more than 60 million people worldwide and the second leading cause of blindness behind cataracts. Both marijuana and THC have been shown to lower intra-ocular pressure, which is a key contributor to glaucoma. One of the most well known uses for medical marijuana is

The most common form of glaucoma is called primary open angle glaucoma and represents a slowly progressive disorder that destroys cells in the retina and also degrades the optic nerve. A person's visual field gets constricted and eventually disappears. The patient goes blind. Marijuana

Three factors have been identified which create risk factors for glaucoma. The first two are out of a person's control = Age and Race. The third, increased intra-ocular pressure, is the one that's potentially controllable. Marijuana Dispensary

Intra-ocular pressure normally results from the eye shape being maintained by fluid in the eye called aqueous humor. The fluid flows between the front of the eye and the back of the cornea. If a person has increased intraocular pressure, the flow of fluid from the front of the eye is restricted, and the pressure rises. It is this fluid that is suspected to provide nutrients to the optic nerve. Marijuana Dispensary News

Reducing intra-ocular pressure to normal does not guarantee glaucoma prevention, but since it's the only controllable risk factor, it is the one that is worked on with medications.

The two ways that medications work on reducing intraocular pressure are as follows:

1) Reducing the production of aqueous fluid 2) Making it easier for the fluid to flow out of the front eye

There are also a few surgical options which attempt to achieve the same objective.

Several studies have shown the effects of marijuana and THC on reducing intraocular pressure. Whether the THC is smoked, inhaled, or eaten, intraocular pressure is reduced. Applying cannabinoids directly to the eye did not work however. Marijuana Edibles

Research has not shown us exactly how cannabinoids reduce IOP. They work at reducing IOP for about 4 hours. That means having to take it 4 to 8 times per day, whereas, there are other medications only necessary twice per day. Marijuana Effects

The side effects of marijuana intake, such as the psychoactive effects, may be difficult for the elderly to tolerate. Marijuana may cause the heart to "race" and make patients anxious. The IOP in patients with glaucoma needs to be controlled continuously since it's a progressive disease. Marijuana Medical

With the onset of the latest medications that are effective for controlling the IOP in glaucoma, marijuana is no longer a first line treatment for controlling it. It is less effective and potentially more problematic than the latest medications. If, however, a patient needs a second or third line choice, marijuana may fit the need nicely.