Thursday, July 30, 2020

Medical Marijuana - Necessity Rather Than an Option

Once known as a recreational drug or gateway drug, Marijuana now is widely known for its medicinal values. Controversial however, the medicinal benefits of marijuana can not be ignored by simply blaming the drug for causing addiction or a dependency for its users. Marijuana is not only very effective in treating a number of illnesses and diseases but it also has become a drug which is extraordinarily safe -- safer than most medicines prescribed every day. Marijuana

Marijuana effectively provide relief in many medical conditions and symptoms like - nausea, vomiting, glaucoma, seizure disorders, cancer, diabetes, muscle spasms, spasticity, appetite loss, certain types of pain include chronic pain, and much more including relief in disease of brain cancer, lung cancer, HIV/AIDS and alleviating addiction issues related to alcohol abuse and opiate dependency. Globally accepted by the medical fraternity as an option to cure those who are suffering from certain chronic ailments, marijuana has become a necessity for those the only effective treatment available is marijuana. Marijuana Dispensary

However Medical Marijuana is available in market for purchase, it is essential for a patient to have a Medical Marijuana card in order to purchase a drug from a seller.

Most states that have passed laws legalizing marijuana for medical use have some type of registration program and require patients and caregivers to obtain a medical marijuana card. Using cannabis without a medical marijuana card could be blamed as a legal offence in many states and counties and there are strict laws for breaking the rules. Marijuana Dispensary News

It is legally essential for patients to have Medical Marijuana cards first so that they do not have to face legal hassles later. One of the best parts about being a card-carrying medical marijuana patient is that you are afforded full legal protection under the states medical marijuana laws. Obtaining Medical Marijuana card could be a tough task, the one which may require a recommendation from a licensed doctor, Contact the Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, Check with the county office where you reside to see what other documentation is required besides a doctors' recommendation, and also a visit to a marijuana dispensary located in your state. Marijuana Edibles

Although it may take some time and efforts to obtain a card to use marijuana it is worth while for the only substance on Earth that is all available naturally to cure the painful nausea caused by chemotherapy, greatly retard the onset of blindness from glaucoma and relieve depression without destroying your bodies' chemical balance - all with zero negative long-term side effects. Marijuana Effects

Do Medical Marijuana Laws Lessen the Need for Drug Testing?

States with legal medical marijuana such as Colorado and California have laws that attempt to control the distribution of medical marijuana. The laws try to keep anyone who does not have a doctor's recommendation from illegally getting the drug from dispensaries or care givers. Do these laws have any effect at all on how much illegal marijuana is used in the U.S.? Will there be less of a need for drug testing by employers? The Releaf Center

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2009 on marijuana use in 2007. Around six percent of those 12 years of age and older reported using marijuana in the past month. Marijuana use is probably actually much higher than this, and it is higher in some states where medical marijuana is legal than where it is illegal. The truth is that marijuana use by employees or the public at large will probably not change at all, no matter how many laws are passed. Marijuana Near Me

Laws may have been passed with the intent of reducing illegal marijuana use in states where medical use is legal, but this is difficult if not impossible to do. Sure, dispensaries may unintentionally supply the drug if workers steal it and give or sell it to others, but dispensaries are far from the only source of marijuana. There are plenty of illegal sources everywhere. In fact, a state that passes new laws that place tough restrictions on marijuana dispensaries may actually indirectly encourage the black market producers to thrive. This can happen if dispensaries are required to close down because they do not meet state growing standards. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

In addition, doctors who are quick to hand out medical marijuana recommendations will be in demand even more if users cannot get it from illegal sources at dispensaries. They may need to schedule an appointment and undergo an examination and consultation, but this is highly unlikely to prevent anyone who can get free reign on marijuana from at least attempting to become a legitimate user. Simply walk into the dispensary with your doctor's note, and you have your monthly supply. Time is saved by not having to search for an illegal source, and there is little worry when you have a medical reason. Best Marijuana Dispensary

Some marijuana users will continue to get their stash from care takers who grow the pot and share some extras with them, and the underground sources of marijuana will still be there, as strong as ever. No laws affect them since they are illegal in the first place. Things will go on pretty much as usual. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Employers with drug-free policies will need to continue testing as usual. Parents will also need to remain diligent about testing their teens. The question is whether or not reducing legal marijuana dispensaries for medical marijuana will affect those who use it illegally. Many opponents of medical marijuana laws say that users will simply buy from drug dealers who were around before the dispensaries opened. It is very doubtful that anyone who is a daily marijuana smoker will stop using marijuana even if they have to drive a distance to get it from another area. Drug testing will be as important as ever if employers want to maintain a drug free workplace. Cannabis Store

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Can Medical Herbal Remedies Relieve Chronic Back Pain and Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

Over the past two decades, the cannabis plant, commonly known as marijuana, has been a subject of interest in the medical community. In some states, medical marijuana is already available for certain conditions. Its efficacy as a pain reliever has been well-established. Although cannabis is most often associated with relieving cancer pain and loss of appetite, its analgesic qualities could prove promising for people with back pain, fibromyalgia and a number of other chronic pain conditions.

How Does Cannabis Relieve Pain?

Much like the opioid receptor system in the body that allows endorphins to have their pleasant, pain-relieving effects, the body also has a cannabinoid receptor system. There are three kinds of cannabinoids: endocannabinoids (made by the body), phytocannabinoid (made by marijuana plants) and synthetic cannabinoids produced in a laboratory. Cannabis Store

The cannabis plant contains a number of cannabinoids, each with its own qualities. The three most important components for this discussion are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and beta-caryophyllene. THC is a mild pain reliever and the main psychoactive component of marijuana. CBD reduces spasms, inflammation, nausea and anxiety. Beta-caryophellene is a strong anti-inflammatory cannabinoid, and is found in highest concentration in cannabis essential oils. Marijuana


The most recent theory on fibromyalgia suggests that the brains of its sufferers process pain abnormally, or that excessive pain signals are sent to the brain. Increasing the amount of cannabinoids available to the body can help to counteract the pain of fibrmyalgia. A small study, whose results were published in the April, 2011 issue of PLoS One, showed fibromyalgic cannabis users to report significant reductions in pain and stiffness. A full summary can be viewed at Marijuana Dispensary

Chronic back pain often involves inflammation, muscle spasms and/or nerve pain. Cannabis has been shown to relieve all of these symptoms, though studies into neuropathic pain relief have been most prominent. A small study led by Mark Ware, MD, tested the effects of cannabis with varying THC potencies on pain relief. Those who received the highest potency, 9.4%, reported significantly reduced pain. Read more about this study at Marijuana Dispensary News

Some sources estimate that street marijuana contains 10-15% THC, more than needed for pain management. This may answer an important question for those considering medical marijuana: Do I have to get high? The answer is no. Since THC is the main psychoactive component in marijuana, reducing its levels and increasing the levels of CBD will result in fewer psychological effects while still relieving pain. There are clinics in states that allow medical marijuana that offer strains of high-CBD, low-THC cannabis. Marijuana Edibles

The Debate

Marijuana is classified as an illicit substance, which has created a stigma around it. More and more, science is discovering the therapeutic effects of this plant, and even working to synthesize its cannabinoids in the lab. Until the safety of the synthetic compounds is supported by solid evidence, however, referring to nature's source is most advisable.

Some are concerned about the potential of dependence associated with drugs. However, many accepted prescriptions pain medications, including opioids, are highly addictive. Cannabis has actually been shown to limit opioid dependence. Aside from habitual addiction, which is a concern with any medication, there is no indication that cannabis poses dependency issues. A host of other damaging health effects associated with common pain-killers, such as stomach, kidney and liver damage, as well as overdose, are not associated with marijuana use.

The most popular method of use for cannabis is smoking. Lung and throat irritation are valid concerns for people who are considering medical marijuana for prolonged pain management. Further research is needed to assess the efficacy of cannabis administered orally or through a ventilator.

As with any pain medication, cannabis is not the cure for a painful condition. Rather, it is a useful tool for pain management that should be used to temporarily alleviate symptoms while pursuing a treatment plan that attacks the source of your pain.

Medical Marijuana and Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition in the eye that can eventually end in blindness. Of the four million Americans estimated to have some form of glaucoma, as many as half of them are unaware of it.

According to the World Health organization, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. Among African Americans, that statistic jumps to number one. The Releaf Center

Most people familiar with glaucoma know that the elderly are particularly susceptible to the condition, but anyone of any age can be affected without warning. Some research shows that glaucoma may be hereditary, but science is still unclear exactly what causes glaucoma to develop. Marijuana Near Me

What has been found is, along with other medications, medical marijuana has greatly reduced the degeneration of vision brought on by glaucoma. Commonly, pressure in the eye is one of the causes of glaucoma. Medical marijuana is beneficial due to some of its chemicals reducing intraocular pressure, also known as IOP, by as much as twenty-five percent. Recreational Marijuana Near Me

Some say it's an insignificant gain when you compare the harmful side effects of marijuana, but that conclusion is somewhat biased and without true facts. While marijuana can cause an elevated heart risk to some elderly patients, most people report little to no side effects whatsoever with regular, medicinal use of marijuana. That's a far cry from the pages of possible side effects and horror stories that accompany even the mildest of over the counter drugs. Best Marijuana Dispensary

Marijuana is not a magical cure-all in the treatment of glaucoma. There are - and should be - other medications and remedies, including drops that further reduce pressure in the eye by dilation and other means. Unfortunately, many of these methods can lose their effectiveness over time, and since there is currently no known cure for glaucoma, alternative treatment means are not only preferable, but necessary. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Scientists are hard at work attempting to create a delivery system for glaucoma patients that will allow them to reap the benefits of medical marijuana without the need to smoke it. Thus far, alternative delivery systems for medical marijuana have proven less successful than inhalation, or even ingesting the plant in small doses.

It is highly recommended that after the age of 40, routine eye checks are administered by a professional every other year. This will greatly decrease the odds of late stage glaucoma permanently affecting vision.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Uses of Medical Marijuana

Medical research indicates that medical marijuana and smoked cannabis reduce neuropathic pain and improve the calorie intake in patients who suffer from reduced muscle mass as well as muscle spasticity that is commonly observed in serious and irreversible auto-immune disorders like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). These medical properties have gradually lead to the large scale clinical research and development of a large number of cannabinoid-based medicines as well as other alternate delivery methods Cannabis Store
Medical Marijuana and Cancer
Cannabis is known to reduce the sensation of extreme nausea and pain that affects all chemotherapy patients. Medical practitioners of integrative oncology and healthcare providers prescribe MMJ to induce sound sleep and stimulate appetite. MMJ not only helps patients manage their symptoms but also has a beneficial antitumor property. Marijuana
Medical Marijuana and Arthritis
Over 31 million Americans are afflicted with either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis that affect the joints, resulting in swelling and pain that restricts normal movement. Right from the 1700s, cannabis has been used in Western medicine for the treatment of muscular pains due to its immune-modulation, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Research indicates that it is highly effective when used to treat extremely painful conditions that include, but are not limited to degenerative joint, hip, and connective tissue disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be used as a supplemental form of therapy that enhances the effectiveness of opium-based painkillers and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). MMJ reduces joint inflammation and morning stiffness when is metabolized by the body in its Cannabidiol form. Marijuana Dispensary
Medical Marijuana and Multiple Sclerosis
Nearly 350,000 Americans currently suffer from the painful and debilitating medical disorder known as MS (Multiple Sclerosis). This neurological disease is known to affect people between the age groups of 20 to 40 and occurs more commonly in women. The symptomatology of this disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) varies on a case-by-case basis and some of the commonly observed symptoms include increased muscle spasticity that results in loss of function, pain, spasms, etc. Marijuana Dispensary News An estimated 4% of the patient population who use MMJ have experienced tremendous relief from their symptoms as cannabis is known to reduce muscle spasticity and tremors. It also has a positive effect by slowing the autoimmune attack that is the underlying pathogenic process in this painful condition. MMJ affects the CNS and motor systems and helps people develop better bladder control, helps them regain their balance, speech, and eyesight. Marijuana Edibles

Medical Marijuana Dispensaries - Few Things To Know

Are you considering opening a medical marijuana dispensary in California? Medical marijuana is legal in almost 14 states in US including California and a large number of people today are resorting to this substance as a means of recovering from their medical conditions. Physicians believe that marijuana contains healing properties and can help people suffering from debilitating medical conditions such as cancer, persistent muscle spasms, glaucoma, seizures, AIDS, etc. The Releaf Center
However, to be able to open a California medical marijuana dispensary, it is important for you to make sure that you are familiar with the state as well as the federal law. Opening a California medical marijuana dispensary means that you have done your homework and know what it takes to open the dispensary according to the laws of your state. A good dispensary is one which maintains its integrity and records and it does not take much time for law enforcers to close an open dispensary if it is found that things are not being conducted according to code. Marijuana Near Me
Although marijuana dispensaries, delivery services and clubs are in business in California, the sale of this substance as well as any other type of cannabis is strictly illegal under the federal law. However, under the California State law, sale is illegal, but non-profit distribution may be allowed to some extent. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
One of the best ways to go about opening a California medical marijuana dispensary is to enroll in some good courses that are put together by professionals. With the help of medical marijuana schools and courses, you will be able to prepare yourself to enter one of the fastest growing industries in the US. Even if you are not aware of the current state laws and how you can open your own dispensary, the courses you take up will take you through everything step by step. Best Marijuana Dispensary
There are many online courses that you can take up if you are unwilling to join a school. These online courses on how to open a marijuana dispensary in California will not only provide you with general information, but will answer all the questions that you may have and also provide information about vendors, collectives, consultants, accountants, lawyers and anyone else who could help you move your project forward. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Monday, July 27, 2020

Orange County Medical Marijuana Laws in Flux

As they are all over California, Orange County medical marijuana laws are in serious dispute. With the legalization of pot for certain medicinal purposes, one might have assumed that dispensaries would become the norm and anyone with a valid prescription would not have to look far to get it filled. However, in practice this has been far from the case. Right now, cities across the state are in a state of legal flux. Some rulings coming down very soon will shed a clearer light on the picture. Marijuana Dispensary
Orange County medical marijuana laws are being put to the test by new rulings set to come down from the California state court. They are being charged with ruling whether or not individual cities have the right to ban dispensaries even in the wake of statewide legality. The major setting of the ruling is coming from Anaheim, which has an ordinance in place banning these dispensaries, an ordinance that has come under challenge from citizens and lawyers who claim the ban is in violation of state law. Marijuana Dispensary News
There's little doubt that the ruling will affect no only Anaheim but many cities across the state. Other cities are waiting anxiously to see the results before enacting bans of their own or finding out that they won't be able to. Naturally, interested citizens are also watching closely on both sides of the argument. Those who believe in the legality of the new pot laws are hoping that the state court overturns the bans and makes it illegal for cities to make up their own laws concerning these dispensaries. Those who feel the new pot laws have a damaging effect on municipalities are hoping the bans are upheld and that other cities will adopt similar bans. Marijuana Edibles
Anaheim and Orange County medical marijuana laws have been the subject of controversy for almost as long as the compassion act of 1996 went through. The problem, proponents of the act say, is that if all cities enact bans on legal dispensaries, then the laws are as worthless as the paper they are written on. Legitimate patients will have to go underground to get to their source, making what's legal turn into something that lies far more in the gray area of the law. People on the other side of the issue claim that these dispensaries lead to an increase in crime and they believe individual cities should have the right to enact their own laws, even if they are contrary to state legislation. Marijuana Effects

Marijuana Laws Up In Smoke

From the ancient Egyptians to 20th century medicine during Prohibition, there has always been a belief that alcohol has medicinal effects. Even today they claim that drinking a glass of red wine will decrease your chance of heart disease. Of course a glass of ordinary grape juice would accomplish the same. Now, for the first time, here in the 21st century, there are serious attempts to legalize and give legitimacy to the positive medicinal effects of marijuana.
The use of cannabis has major social and legal effects on society as a whole. Socially, is using marijuana acceptable? It is certainly becoming more so as 14 states and the District of Columbia (our nation's capital) have legalized the drug for medicinal use. The city of Breckenridge, Colorado has legalized it for recreational use. It is not uncommon to see people smoking marijuana joints on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. Is this socially acceptable behaviour? In November, California, desperate to balance its budget, has a proposition to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by adults! The Releaf Center
Now, I am not a prude or a cranky old man (maybe a crotchety middle-aged man), but as a parent of two young, impressionable children, I certainly do not want my kids exposed to marijuana use in public. I also would be willing to bet that most of those smoking marijuana would not want their kids to develop an addiction to marijuana when they grew up. Marijuana Near Me
Legally, how does law enforcement respond to people using or possessing marijuana? This one question is the root of all that is fundamentally wrong with current laws pertaining to medicinal marijuana. President Barack Obama's Administration has stated quite clearly in March 2009 that they will not pursue distributors of medical marijuana. That basically put the enforcement rules into the states themselves. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
California and Colorado are the two most prominent states dealing with the repercussions from their voters legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. One of the basic problems that all states that have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes face is that nobody was ready once these propositions passed. By that I mean, the propositions did not outline how the state would go about processing and adjudicating this new industry. There were no procedures for who could become a medical marijuana dispensary, how to classify the businesses, where they could open shop or even how to tax the industry. Best Marijuana Dispensary
It is interesting to note that after California became the first state top pass a law legalizing medicinal marijuana in 1996, nothing really happened. Think about the current "pot shop" phenomenon in California for a moment. Doctors, patients and proprietors took very cautionary paths. Few doctors would risk their medical licenses by prescribing marijuana, few brave entrepreneurs would risk opening up a store that could be raided by federal agents at any time. Only those who the law was designed for, patients suffering from glaucoma, cancer and AIDS sought recommendations for medical marijuana. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery
What happened? Why the exponential growth in applications to use and sell medical marijuana? While the change in presidential administrations and legal positions regarding the enforcement of federal marijuana laws from Bush to Obama favors the "pot shop" community, there is no doubt that the huge surge occurred well before Bush moved back to Texas. Cannabis Store
The number of medicinal marijuana dispensaries has exploded in all states where it has become legal. According to a story in USA Today (March 8, 2007) the number of dispensaries in Los Angeles increased from four in late 2005 to 98 less than a year later. In June 2010 there were 186 "pot shops" operating within the Los Angeles city limits. Ironically, an estimated 50 similar stores were forced out of business due to market over-saturation. With 186 "pot shops" open the City of Los Angeles had more than 400 approved applications for dispensaries within the city limits that had yet to open their doors. Marijuana
Law enforcement agencies and city councils were totally unprepared for the legalization of marijuana. With the number of shops and patients increasing at staggering rates the legal marijuana industry is virtually running itself, with lawmakers trying ever-so-hard to catch up to the giant snowball that is gathering size and speed daily. The pharmaceutical industry has not seen such a drastic increase in need for a medication since Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine.
According to a local news channel in Denver, the state was receiving more than 1,000 applications for a medical marijuana license every day. According to the station, as of August 26, 2010 the state had a backlog of between 60,000 and 70,000 applications.
What were all of these poor suffering souls taking before medical marijuana became legal and so available? Once you have your "medical marijuana card" there are numerous places you can go to find your "medicine". If a dispensary such as "CannaMart", "Choice Organics", Nature's Wonder", "Flower Power Botanicals", "Premier Wellness Center" or "Ganja Depot" is not within a short drive, just check on line via Google.
With the federal government deciding to step back and states completely unprepared and unsure how to regulate this industry, it has fallen into the hands of individual communities. Many city councils like those in Aurora and Broomfield, Colorado have banned dispensaries from their towns. Of course these cities will face lawsuits from would-be proprietors and needy patients who find it difficult to drive 10 miles to get their "medicine".
The cities are starting to get more help from the state level. In Colorado those with a criminal record are no longer allowed to own a dispensary. The attorney general's are starting to take an active look on how to regulate the shops. While this is a good thing and has forced many locations to close, the industry still appears to be spiraling out of control.
Regulating the sale of this industry is key. It is smart to start with the people who own the shops and work their way down. Then, perhaps the biggest hurdle of all will be to tackle those how and who receive prescriptions for medicinal marijuana. That is a subject for the future.
It is important to note that like alcohol and tobacco, marijuana is a drug. If you or someone you know may be addicted to marijuana or other drugs, it is important to seek help. There are numerous alcohol and drug awareness courses one can attend, as well as a variety of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). For those who would prefer to take a course in the privacy of their own home there are also online alcohol classes and alcohol and drug courses.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Truth About Medical Marijuana

Cannabis has been used medicinally for over 4,000 years. Until recently, scientists knew little about how the drug works on the brain. It was made illegal in the United States in the 1930's, and this has hampered further research. However, recent clinical studies show that the active ingredient THC works by mimicking certain of the brain's neurotransmitters. The same properties that give users a euphoric feeling can also stop pain and treat various illnesses.
The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana
Studies have shown that medical marijuana can work well as a pain killer and anti-emetic (anti-nausea). It also helps to induce appetite. These qualities are helpful for patients suffering from cancer, especially after getting chemotherapy. These qualities can also help AIDS patients. Drugs that treat AIDS have side effects, and medical marijuana is effective in taking the edge off of them. Cannabis Store
Specifically, THC may help patients who suffer from glaucoma. Studies show that it lowers intraocular pressure, thus giving a small bit of relief to those who suffer from the disease. It may also help folks who suffer from multiple sclerosis. It relieves pain and treats spasticity, and the latest trials show that it may help in preventing the neurodegeneration associated with the disease. Marijuana
Another plus is that it's relatively safe. While it's not true that the drug is completely safe with no side effects, it is safer than many prescription drugs. It carries no risk of physical addiction, no risk of death, and the only physical health effects are due to the fact that it's smoked. Many experts feel that marijuana is safer than alcohol. Marijuana Dispensary
Why All The Interest Now?
The idea of medical marijuana has been around for years, but only now is it finally being taken seriously. Why the sudden interest? In general, society's attitude toward the drug has softened as the war on drugs focuses on more harmful drugs like crystal meth, crack cocaine and heroin. This trend goes along with a decrease in the stigma associated with the drug. It was once thought of as a drug for hippies and degenerates, but now it's just as likely your next door neighbor may smoke it! Marijuana Dispensary News
Clinical trials continue. There is a lot we still don't know about how the drug works. The United States has been slow to accept the idea of medical marijuana, but in the coming years it's sure to become an everyday reality all the time. Marijuana Edibles

Try, Try Again Rhode Island - Get Those Compassion Centers Open!

Outraged medical marijuana patients protested outside the Department of Health in Rhode Island on Monday. They were protesting the fact that the Department of Health denied approval of all 15 Compassion Care registration applications. According to the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition this is a direct violation of a law that enacted in 2009 that set a time line for issuing licenses for up to three stores that would sell medical marijuana (It's like the limited number of liquor licenses that are available in your County). The Releaf Center
Across the United States, individual States are legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. It is a medical fact that marijuana can ease the symptoms of chronic and often, debilitating diseases. Not to mention, marijuana when used medicinally, can help people with Cancer, Glaucoma, Crohn's disease, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Wasting Syndrome, Alzheimer's, Epilepsy (or just seizures in general), Severe Chronic pain (of ANY type), Severe and Persistent Muscle Spasms (but not limited to just those that are characteristic in Multiple Sclerosis patients); the list goes on and on. Marijuana Near Me
How many people do you know personally that could probably benefit from the use of marijuana? I would bet least one or two! Where do you suppose these patients are supposed to GET their pot? Marijuana Compassion Centers do not just legally "sell pot" to the patients. They also hold regular meetings that discuss the law, how to become a qualifying medical marijuana patient, how to find a good, quality caregiver (to grow the pot for you or the caregiver may be your "middle man" - he/she goes and gets your pot for you) and also, how to grow your own marijuana. This information is invaluable to those that desire it. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
The reason that lawmakers voted to allow up to three Compassion Centers was to give patients safe access to marijuana. Without these Compassion Centers patients would be forced to buy their marijuana from drug dealers. Who wants to do that? Do you want your grandparents going to seedy places to get their marijuana just so that they can have a better quality of life? Hell no you don't. Best Marijuana Dispensary
The Department of Health defends itself saying that none of the applications met state requirements, one of which is that the compassion center/store must be nonprofit. Furthermore, reportedly, 9 of the applications didn't even get the minimum score and several applications were over the 25 page limit. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery
The department says that it will begin accepting new applications again in October. For those of you whose application were denied TRY, TRY again!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Federal Government is Impelled to Support Medical Marijuana by the American Medical Association

Federal Government is Impelled to Support Medical Marijuana by the American Medical Association
The American Medical Association, which is the largest doctors' organization in the USA, has reconsidered its position towards marijuana and currently supports exploration and medical research on marijuana for medicinal use. On Tuesday, the group has persuaded the federal government to re-evaluate its controlled substance categorization of marijuana in Schedule I, which unfairly maligns the plant alongside with some of the most hazardous narcotic substances, such as LSD and heroin. Cannabis Store
AMA officer of board, Dr. Edward Langston specifies that just a least number of controlled, casual tests have ever been maintained on ingested marijuana in spite of medical research in by marijuana doctors and other experts, which encompasses more than thirty years. As for now, the group encourages new researches on marijuana's effectiveness in spite of its support for the classification of marijuana in Schedule I, since 1997, because more and more marijuana doctors appear over time. Marijuana
This year, Obama's administration has also ordered federal narcotics agents to stop prosecuting people who use and distribute marijuana  (including medical marijuana doctors) in the states that have legalized it, which indicated an alteration of the course from past administrations' stringent opposition to the use of medical  marijuana, even for people that have marijuana cards in the states that have legalized the plant for medical use. At the moment, fourteen states lawfully permit the use of medical  marijuana and around twelve other states have started to think about doing so. The American Medical Association is interested in study, which takes in account alternative methods of using marijuana, apart from therapeutically smoking it. Lawyers for medical marijuana  speak about other helpful modes of medical marijuana  use, involving the THC-rich cannabis oil extraction, which is claimed to be able to heal cancer patients. Today, no one is persecuted for the use of cannabis if a legal medical marijuana card is present. Marijuana Dispensary
The reaction of the federal government to the AMA's stance has been pretty silent in spite of loosened federal prosecution of medical marijuana use and medical marijuana clinic workers. DEA - the Drug Enforcement Administration - repeated the status of marijuana as a Schedule I substance and the FDA - Food and Drug Administration - refused to give any commentaries on the situation. The American Medical Association was one of the sole groups to object the first federal limitation on cannabis, which were established back in 1937. It still persists to decline casual idea that marijuana is a myth, in spite of its past support of Schedule I narcotic classification. The organization even objected an offered amendment, which would have settled its managerial policies in resistance to ingested marijuana as a safe way of use for marijuana treatment. In fact almost any marijuana clinic provides edible products of medical marijuana for patients with marijuana cards. Marijuana Dispensary News
Marijuana support groups are joyous about the new stance of the AMA and the extending change of attitude towards marijuana and everything related to it - marijuana doctors, marijuana clinics, etc. While federal administration still resists against the marijuana legalization, referring to the FDA consideration in objection to its secure use as medicine, popular belief persists to change in favor of further study and medical use of marijuana. Last year, the second largest doctor group, the American College of Physicians has uttered similar support for improved research and reassessment of marijuana. Also, the California Medical Association passed its own opinions that referred to marijuana criminalization as a "failed public health policy." Marijuana Edibles
The moods are changing towards frank research of the marijuana benefits. The attraction for further proof-based study by acknowledged medicinal organizations is a step in the proper direction on the way to legalizing medical marijuana for legal and safe medicinal purposes

What You Don't Know About Medical Marijuana Benefits

Gathering valuable information about marijuana can be hard especially if you try to get that knowledge from friends and family members. Each of them will have their own opinion based mostly on ignorance and the answers you receive might only sink you into a deeper level of confusion. Most wouldn't have had any experience in using Marijuana but they certainly may have some entertaining answers. Some say it causes depression and that it is a "gateway drug" which will lead to even more dangerous drug habits. But studies till now point to Marijuana being a non addictive drug. The Releaf Center
One person will tell you that marijuana and sex go hand in hand, while another will tell you that marijuana and impotence are cozy companions. But are these really facts, or uninformed ideas? I mean, who should you believe? You need to get the facts about marijuana and issues like medical marijuana benefits from trained professionals, not your best friend or your crazy Uncle Lou. The earliest recorded use of marijuana dates back to biblical times. And while marijuana is the second most popular recreational drug worldwide behind alcohol, marijuana has never been listed as the cause of death even one time in all recorded history, while alcohol kills 125,000 people a year, not including alcohol-caused accidents! This is only one of many often under-publicized facts about marijuana. Marijuana Near Me
Consuming Marijuana properly throughout your entire life has less dangerous consequences than the effects caused by eating our regular food items. According to a recent California survey, Marijuana was found to effectively treat the head splitting pain that result from migraines. It is said that 1 in 6 people suffer from these migraine headaches. It was also proposed by the supporters of medical marijuana that it can help in treating other ailments like chronic pain, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, cancer and epilepsy. You might think that it is a ludicrous and biased claim as it was made by supporters of marijuana but the fact is that their claims can be verified according to various studies published in scientific and medical reports. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
Even though it is legal for patients to be treated with marijuana for medicinal purposes in states like California, it is still considered to be a federal crime to use or buy it for personal usage. This is quite a paradox as you can legally use the drug in California if a specially licensed doctor prescribes it, but you end up in jail if you buy it legally. It is legal in the state but criminal at the federal level. Best Marijuana Dispensary
You may call it by any name you like: pot, weed, ganja or Mary Jane, but the real facts behind Marijuana and its benefits have been and still are documented properly. It induces peaceful and non violent behaviour; it treats a wide variety of ailments and can be legally prescribed in 30 states. But any selling, usage or possession of the drug is a federal crime. Crazy world eh? Cannabis Marijuana Delivery

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Alternative Medicine As an Effective Migraine Treatment

A migraine is a chronic headache which is primarily caused by the spasm and narrowing of microscopic blood vessels which carries blood to the brain. The headache is severe and debilitating and can occur from once a year or as often as four times a week. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, aura but most of all by a throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. Several factors have been identified as triggers for a migraine attack such as stress, anger, caffeine, nicotine and hormonal imbalance. Cannabis Store
Medical marijuana has long been proven to be an effective treatment for migraines. Its main component, THC, is best known for its analgesic and neuroprotective effects that can give relief to the pain brought about by a migraine attack. Because of marijuana's history of illegality, it has not been advertised as an effective migraine treatment alternative. People have also been apprehensive in using medical marijuana because of the wrong idea that smoking is the only way of using it. There are however other delivery methods that can be used such as vaporization, edibles which is done by infusing food with cannabis, or through tinctures taken sublingually (under the tongue). Marijuana
Another thing that discourages people from using medicinal marijuana is they think that getting a medical marijuana card is complicated and expensive. That is where the many Denver medical marijuana dispensaries can be of help. They can provide patients with assistance in the entire medical marijuana card application process. Denver marijuana dispensaries have through the years sprouted all over the city despite the slump in economy. So big the medical cannabis industry has become that several measures and a moratorium have been passed to curb and control Denver medical cannabis dispensaries. Marijuana Dispensary
Medical cannabis being made legal should be a welcome development to migraine sufferers who avoid taking their prescription drugs because of the side effects the drugs have. The most common of these side effects are fatigue, sleepiness, racing heartbeat, nausea, difficulty in thinking and numbness. Painkillers which dull the throbbing pain of a migraine headache may cause long term addiction to it. It is regrettable that patients are not made aware of these harmful effects of prescription drugs and there are no alternative treatments presented to them. Marijuana Dispensary News
Not only has migraine patients found relief for the pain that is characteristic of the condition, they also discovered that benefits of medical cannabis like improved sleep and reduced stress can prevent its onset and thus reduce episodes of migraine. The quality of life of migraine patients that prescription drugs can deny them is seen to have been improved instead by medical marijuana. Marijuana Edibles

Medical Marijuana & Credit Card Processing

Legal ambiguities have caused many banks to drop medical marijuana dispensaries from their merchant account roles. For business owners who feel that credit card processing is an integral part of their success, this rash of rejection notices from banks is more than a little distressing. It isn't uncommon for the owner of a dispensary to sign up with a bank only to hear a few weeks later that their services are being withdrawn. The Releaf Center
A single law, the Bank Secrecy Act, is the source of all the trouble. It requires banks to report any suspicious activities. Put in place to keep an eye upon financial shenanigans and potential terrorist money laundering, the law is wreaking havoc in the medical marijuana industry. Marijuana Near Me
When will Things Improve?
For business owners, this is really the crux of the matter. The medical marijuana industry is growing rapidly, and it needs access to the same services that other businesses have. That includes credit card processing. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
Legal experts, recognizing that the law is regulated by no less than five separate agencies, realize that the process may take some time. They expect that it will take up to 10 years for banks to catch up, and that much of that process will be the result of further changes in the legal status of marijuana. Best Marijuana Dispensary
What to do for Now
The best advice that dispensary owners are getting at this time is to simply go elsewhere and bypass the banks. Online merchant account providers are more flexible and are willing to provide a range of financial services for dispensary entrepreneurs. While any business that sells pharmaceuticals is considered to be a higher risk than say a shoe store, it is possible to obtain an account that will allow you to process credit and debit cards for your customers. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery
Expanding your ability to accommodate your customers' needs inevitably translates into increased income and a better bottom line. Credit card processing is a staple of any successful business; don't let the banks determine who can pay you and how.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Know All About Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Colorado is one of the states in the US that have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Countless researches have proven the beneficial effects of marijuana in the treatment of chronic grave diseases such as cancer, brain tumors, muscle sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and HIV/AIDS. The drug is proven to decrease intraocular pressure thus can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment for glaucoma; gastrointestinal as well as respiratory diseases. The drug is popular as a psychoactive agent having a stimulant and hallucinogenic effect. However, this drug causes physical and psychological dependence and causes a life-threatening effect once taken in very large amounts. Cannabis Store
Marijuana for its use in the medical field is legalized within 14 states which includes Colorado. Because of the wonders that the drug brings, more and more people resort to its use. Because of its high potential for abuse, the use, dispensing, and growth of marijuana is strictly prohibited and anyone who is proven to have done such will be punished in accordance to the court of law. While it is illegal for pharmacies to dispense the drug, medical marijuana dispensary Colorado along with the requisite documents to legalize its distribution of the drug, is becoming more and more popular among medically ill clients. Marijuana
Medical marijuana dispensary Colorado is a huge opportunity for business. To be able to open such company, one must undergo several procedures and processing license or a registration. A good dispensary should be familiar with the rules as stated by the federal law and should be able to follow it with integrity.
There are several resources online that offers courses that are equipped with the necessary information about written prescriptions and documentation for the use of medical marijuana, medical marijuana treatment identification cards, patient evaluation, and of course a full knowledge about the federal laws. Marijuana Dispensary

What Are Terpenes in Marijuana?

If you go into a medical marijuana dispensary, you will often see over 20 different kinds of product. The names of these products will sound like an alternative music rock band name, such as Purple Haze, Northern Lights, OG Kush, Bubba Kush, White Widow, or Sour Diesel.
There are no established guidelines or labs that perform quality control checks on the various strains of marijuana, so patients cannot be assured of buying the same product between various dispensaries. They should be similar in quality though. The Releaf Center
There are 2 general strains of marijuana called indica and sativa. Most finished products these days are combination's of strains. Sativas generally have sweet, floral aromas and are said to be inspirational and energizing. They can be helpful in separating the mind from pain. Marijuana Near Me
Indica blends, on the other hand, have a dry and skunk like odor. They are relaxing, sedating, and relieve stress and pain. Patients often say they work well for chronic pain in conjunction with pain medications.
People often think that the various blends work differently because of the varying ratios of cannabinoids in them. Cannabinoids are the mind altering components of marijuana, and THC is the most well known one. Interestingly, research shows that THC is the most predominant cannabinoid by far in all varieties. Recreational Marijuana Near Me
Terpenes are the molecules for odor that are found in the essential oils of plants. These essential oils are used in aromatherapy because they have been found to modulate brain function and mood. Researchers are now giving credence to the belief that terpenes affect how marijuana works on the body. Assuming this is true, this means knowing what a variety smells like can predict how it will act on the body. Best Marijuana Dispensary
The most common terpene found in marijuana is Myrcene. It's earthy, fruity, citrus, and mango in quality. This terpene is a strong antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever. It is thought to work in combination with THC, decreasing depression, elevating mood, and allowing more THC to get into the brain.
Another terpene, Beta-caryophyllene, smells peppery. It maintains pain relief qualities, but lacks a mental effect. So it is considered non-psychoactive. Pinene is another terpene that is a major component of turpentine. It has a piney odor and has been shown to increase focus, self-satisfaction, and memory. Terpenol smells floral with hints of orange blossom. It has a significant sedative effect and is great for sleep problems. Cannabis Marijuana Delivery
There are other terpenes that help with improving memory, which is one thing that is typically thought to be adversely affected with existing marijuana strains. One of these is Pulgone, which slows the destruction of memory transfer proteins. It helps keep people alert.
For the most part, patients looking for help sleeping should look for a floral sweet variety of marijuana with Linalool in it. As more research is performed, the different varieties of terpene and its effects on the body will hopefully become more apparent. This will help patients more effectively receiving treatment for their disease.