marijuana provides even better sleep than other prescription sleep medicines.
It provides good, restful sleep without any of the negative side effects.
Insomnia is more than an unpleasant disruption of sleep. It can adversely
affect life in a variety of ways. It damages health, strains relationships and
generally decreases quality of life at both home and work. Unfortunately, over
the counter and other prescription aids often cause drowsiness the next day and
it leaves the patient feeling just as sluggish as they do when they cannot
sleep. But there is no need to continue to suffer the discomfort and
displeasure of sleepless nights and drowsy days. Medical marijuana is a safe
and natural alternative to often dangerous and disorienting medication.
of the drugs currently used as sleep aids are dangerous and habit forming. On
the other hand a lot of research has shown that none of these negative side
effects have been experienced with cannabis. It is non-habit forming and as
compared with other prescription medications it does not put you under so deep
that you do not experience dreams. Instead with medical marijuana you will
drift off to a pleasant sleep and awake the next day feeling rested and
marijuana many patients who suffer from
sleeplessness and insomnia are experiencing rest like they have not had in
years. They report improved ability to fall asleep and also stay asleep. They
also say that they do not have any of the residual drowsiness the next day that
they had experienced during their time on prescription medications. Also, many
patients prefer that they do not have to undergo the unpleasant problem of
becoming increasingly addicted to their other medication. Additionally, several
patients have the added trouble of increasing resiliency to their other
medications that results in constantly needing a higher dosage to get the same
benefits and it also increases the unpleasant side effects. But none of these
problems happen with medical marijuana. Because it is non habit forming, if it
is necessary to take a little more one night when it is particularly hard to
get to bed it will not have any residual effects the next day.
is amazing what a good night's rest can do to increase the enjoyment of life.
Feeling more alert and rested makes it easier to work, easier to function with
your family and also leads to a happier, more active lifestyle. People who get
the sleep they need at night are more prone to exercise and do other activities
that increase their quality of life.
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