Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to Stop Smoking Marijuana Now - 3 Simple Tips

If you are currently trying to stop smoking marijuana, then you will need to know all of the different things you can do to successfully quit. There are many different mistakes that people make when trying to quit smoking pot, including having the misconception that it is similar to being addicted to cigarettes or other hard drugs like heroine or cocaine. This is incorrect, because smoking pot is not a chemical addiction that your brain craves like some substances.
This addiction stems from the psychological thrill that you receive when you smoke it. It is the same type of high that people get from gambling, shopping, or sometimes even stealing. It is a rush that feels good and you become addicted to. It is essentially the action that is the addiction, not the substance or drug itself in this case.
1. Start cleansing your body of all the toxins that you have put in it by smoking marijuana. Drink as much water as you can and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. They are good for you and will help to ease the process of quitting.
2. Discover why you need the high of smoking pot. Chances are you started doing it for a reason, so you must go back to that initial catalyst and find a way to stop for good. Some people buckle under peer pressure and become addicted to the kind of mellow high it gives them. Others feel like they need to do it because there is some feeling missing in their lives and they are trying to fill it by smoking pot.
3. Talk to others who have the same problem as you for support. Also include your friends and family and make sure they know what your are trying to do, so they can help you as much as possible. The more support you have in your life the better your chances will be of quitting for good.

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